Based on the 1987 true story, “McFarland, USA” follows novice runners from McFarland, an economically challenged town in California’s farm-rich Central...
eBay has always been one of my favorite web-sites to browse for unique gift ideas. If I’m not careful with my time, I can easily spend a day browsing their...
“Strange Magic,” a new animated film from Lucasfilm Ltd., is a madcap fairy tale musical inspired by “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Popular songs...
In the digital age where everything is available online, I still love sifting through the pages of an almanac! I love that almost everything is at my...
VeggieTales is one of the most well-crafted and unique sources of faith-based entertainment for children. It has been a long-time favorite of mine. I love that...
According to The Verge, plasma TV is dead. It’s so dead that one of the remaining brands of plasma TVs have disbanded their production this year. It...
I haven’t done anything out of the ordinary to show my inextinguishable love for music. However, there isn’t a day that doesn’t go by when I’m not...
Products and information was submitted by VTech for inclusion for the Holiday Gift Guide.
One brand of educational toys that I love and always will is no other...
Beauty, wonder and adventure spin together in a grand legend that transcends time as Maleficent, one of the animation’s most spectacular villains, sends the...
Thanks to my mother, I learned the value of a dollar and how to bargain shop when I was a child, thus I developed a passion for scouring the clearance racks...
This post is brought to you by SheSpeaks and The Power of The Heart.
Baptise de Pape’s The Power of the Heart is a beautifully designed and in depth...
When a pair of low-level criminals kidnap the wife of a corrupt real-estate developer, they get both more and less than they bargained for in Life of Crime, a...