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Diabetic Moms: Why You Should Never Sacrifice Your Health

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Diabetic Moms: Why You Should Never Sacrifice Your Health

Being a mom is a round-the-clock job. We have so many tasks to juggle, so many appointments to coordinate, and so many things to worry about. It gets even harder when we also have to deal with a chronic disease like diabetes. Managing diabetes is also a 24/7 job, and with our hands full already, it can be easy to slip and make mistakes or forget. However, we have to handle it for a better life for us and our family.

Diabetes Complicates Pregnancies, and Vice Versa

If you are currently pregnant, or thinking of getting pregnant, a good baseline health is imperative to your journey. Diabetes can complicate pregnancy and childbirth by increasing the risk for health issues and defects for the baby and life-threatening conditions for the mother. Pregnancy can make it more difficult to manage preexisting or pre-gestational diabetes because of glucose fluctuations, need for medication adjustments, and changes in hypoglycemia symptoms. Even if you do not have diabetes before getting pregnant, there is still a 3-11% risk of gestational diabetes, which in turn can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes later on.

Managing Diabetes Reduces Other Health Risks

Diabetes can increase the risk for other medical issues and complications due to the damage brought on by high glucose levels which can affect small blood vessels and nerves. These can result in damage to the eyes, kidneys, feet, and other organs. Diabetes has also been linked to other chronic conditions such as obesity, heart disease, stroke, and dementia. Because of this, continued care of a diabetes specialist and having a nutritious diet and active lifestyle are a must decrease the risk of complications and death. To maintain a healthy weight for both diabetes and obesity management, a diabetes weight loss plan combining strategies to manage both diseases and avoid further complications can also be used.

Glucose Control is Essential for Postpartum Health

Postpartum is already a challenging period in any mother’s life. Adding diabetes to the mix can make it even more so. Blood glucose can fluctuate during the first few days after giving birth. Breastfeeding can also be harder because diabetes can delay milk production, and producing milk can significantly affect blood sugar levels. Managing diabetes while recovering from childbirth and taking care of a newborn can also be too overwhelming. It is vital to closely monitor glucose and symptoms. Medication adjustments can be made by having regular follow-ups. It is also important to have healthy meals and snacks to stabilize blood sugar but also to keep energy up for postpartum recovery.

Good Health Means More Quality Time

One of the things that can bring much joy and happiness to a mother’s life is to be able to spend more quality time with loved ones. Taking care of one’s health can lead to having more physical ability and energy to engage in activities with the family such as playing or sharing hobbies, and being able to be there for significant milestones and events. It can also reduce the burden on the family by not having to worry about additional medical care or medical bills. Finally, managing your condition creates a positive example for the kids to follow by seeing the priority for health and self-care.

Physical Well-Being is Vital to Overall Health

Health refers to a state of physical wellness along with, social, emotional, and mental well-being. Even with a chronic condition like diabetes, physical wellness is still possible through proper management and healthy lifestyle choices. If the body is healthy and able to do more things, it is easier to achieve the other aspects of health. You will be able to live a more fulfilling life by practicing self-care, being able to spend time with loved ones, connecting with nature, and focus on gratitude and positivity. This can also carry on to our families as we are able to promote and practice lifelong overall health habits.

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About the author


HilLesha O'Nan resides in Newburgh, Indiana with her husband and 3 children. She's a lifestyle blogger that enjoys photography, fashion + beauty, traveling + adventure, gardening, and interior decorating.

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Hello! I’m HilLesha, and I live in Newburgh, Indiana, with my husband and 3 children. I love photography, fashion, beauty, home improvement, traveling, cooking, and wellness. Additional info. Please get in touch with me at Lesha@tothemotherhood.com.

I’m also the founder of The Beauty Counter.


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