I understand how difficult it can be for those who are not a morning person, such as myself, to leave the comfort of our bed on some mornings. You’re...
The holiday season is quietly peeking around the corner. Although between the decorating, shopping, seasonal soirées, and entertaining; you may not feel...
I used to keep wine chilled in a regular refrigerator, thus I never saw the true purpose of having a wine cellar, at the time. That notion quickly went out the...
As a full-time working mother, I get caught up easily in a whirlwind of activities. There are times that I can’t muster up the energy to cook dinner...
Prize: One winner will receive a Chef’s Knife ($79.98) from ViCera.
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Baking Soda has many wonderful uses, especially when it comes to absorbing odors. However, one of the best things about the Frigidaire is that it contains a...
It has been over a month, and I’m loving everything about the Frigidaire. I can now see why my grandmother loved this brand so much that she overlooked...
Our Frigidaire Professional Refrigerator was delivered and installed on February 7th. Starting at day 1, our life feels more simplified. We have the ability to...