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How I Supercharge My Day

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This post is sponsored by Activia but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Did you know if you search for “how to become a morning person” that it yields 586,000,000 results? It’s obvious that I’m far from being the only one that isn’t a morning person! There have been countless times that I’d hit the snooze button or tell myself just five more minutes when I want nothing more than the comfort of my comfortable bed. Hardly anything would be accomplished if this was done every day! Through trial and error, these are simple ways I’ve been supercharging each day:

Get a Good Night’s Rest

It has been said again and again, but it will be said once more – the most effective and most obvious ways of feeling better in the morning is getting a good night’s rest. Sleep deprivation can suppress your system, making us susceptible to illness. This is why a good night’s rest is essential for one’s well-being. It also helps a person function better when they’re well rested. It gives them the mental clarity and balance they need to power through the next day.

Cool Shower

I’ll admit that I’m not a fan of cool showers, but I’ll take one every now and then whenever I feel half-tempted to crawl back in bed. A cool shower is beneficial in other ways as well, by improving the skin and reducing stress to increasing mental alertness and relieving muscle tension.

Purify the Air

Not many of us think about it, but the quality of the air we breathe can have an effect on how we think and overall surroundings. Productivity is one of the perks of breathing clean air. Having an air purifier as well as a few Himalayan salt lamps strewn throughout the home has helped me improve the air quality. It may sound strange, but I feel less overwhelmed and more creative since using these items in my home. Himalayan salt lamps are known to naturally freshen the air and clear it of allergens like pet dander, air pollutants, and pollens. With their glowing hues of orange, they create a beautiful and serene atmosphere in any room.

Stress Less

Have a long day ahead of you and it is making you stressed thinking about all of the things you need to do? Stress can put a damper on anyone’s health. There are many natural and inexpensive ways to help reduce stress, including yoga. There are several different styles of yoga. Some styles of yoga that reduce stress and anxiety while relaxing the mind and body are restorative yoga, Hatha, and Ashtanga. Practicing yoga provides a wealth of benefits as well – a sense of well-being, increased flexibility, a feeling of empowerment, and physical strength, to name a few.

2 Week Activia Challenge

In the recent years, the gut has been getting the recognition that it deserves since improving it is the key to improving the state of your overall health. Our intestinal system can get weakened by a number of factors and can cause a slew of chaos, including lowering our energy and making us feel unbalanced. Want to improve your gut? In addition to a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, being physically active, and managing stress, probiotics are key! Probiotics can help balance gut flora and stimulate the growth of microorganisms while outnumbering the bad bacteria within the gut.

What have I been up to lately? Well, I just completed the 2 Week Activia Challenge! What is that exactly, you ask? The 2 Week Activia Challenge involves having an Activia Probiotic Yogurt as a morning and mid-afternoon snack, which is a delicious way to get my daily source of probiotics in addition to my healthy routine. This low-fat yogurt (60 calories) is thriving with billions of live and active probiotics that help support my digestive health! Having a healthy digestive tract helps us thrive better, making us feel more energized and motivated.

Want to give the 2 Week Activia Challenge a try? You can pick up the Activia Probiotic Yogurt or Dailies Yogurt Drink at your local Walmart. Before heading to the store, be sure to get their ibotta offer to receive $1 cash back!

Without a doubt, when we take care of ourselves, mentally and physically, we feel empowered to tackle the day ahead of us!

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About the author


HilLesha O'Nan resides in Newburgh, Indiana with her husband and 3 children. She's a lifestyle blogger that enjoys photography, fashion + beauty, traveling + adventure, gardening, and interior decorating.

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Hello! I’m HilLesha, and I live in Newburgh, Indiana, with my husband and 3 children. I love photography, fashion, beauty, home improvement, traveling, cooking, and wellness. Additional info. Please get in touch with me at Lesha@tothemotherhood.com.

I’m also the founder of The Beauty Counter.


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