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Optimum Wellness Plan at Banfield Pet Hospital + Giveaway

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Banfield will donate $1 per reader comment (up to 100 comments) to Banfield Charitable Trust, a donor-supported non-profit. BCT’s mission is to preserve the human animal bond by keeping pets with their families who love them. Each year, BCT helps 100,000 struggling families through seven programs ranging from life-saving emergency care to assistance with pet food or other urgent pet care needs.

Disclosure: Heidi received a one year package of free preventive veterinary care through Banfield’s Optimum Wellness Plan®, including a year’s worth of ProHeart® 6 heartworm preventive.


Although our pets are here with us for a limited and precious amount of time, many of us consider them more than just animals. They’re our loyal companions that we can always count on, because the love for us that they provide is unconditional. They bring us endless laughter, entertainment, comfort, and unflinching protection. That’s why they’re unquestioningly our best friends, confidants, and family members.

Heidi at the Banfield Pet Hospital

Since our pets have our best interest at heart, we should provide the same unconditional love that they show us, in return. That includes taking the necessary steps in preventing one of the most serious and potentially fatal diseases for dogs and cats, such as heartworm disease. It was one of the easiest diseases to get in contact with, because all it takes is one bite from a mosquito, yet it is also one of the most preventable diseases. Heartworm prevention is easy, inexpensive, and most importantly, safe.

Banfield Pet Hospital suggests that pet owners have their pets tested for heartworm disease annually, as well as taking extra precaution by getting year-round preventive medication for both dogs and cats. This can be easily be administered during a routine check-up. Banfield believes in preventive veterinary care as the best way to improve the quality and longevity of a pet’s life by reducing the risk of developing serious, costly, and sometimes fatal diseases, such as heartworm disease.

Heidi at the Banfield Pet Hospital at PetSmart

Meet Heidi! She’s one of the most lively, energetic, and lovable dogs that I know. Although she belongs to my mom (Marsha) and boyfriend, she is just a part of my life as my own pets. Banfield Pet Hospital generously provided one year package of free preventive veterinary care through their Optimum Wellness Plan®, including a year’s worth of ProHeart® 6 heartworm preventive.

Banfield Pet Hospital

The Optimum Wellness Plan® includes unlimited free office visits, comprehensive physical exams, convenient drop-offs, evening and weekend hours; early screening for serious illnesses, routinely recommended vaccines, discounts on most of the Banfield products and services, predictable, reasonable monthly payments, and online access to your pet’s records.

The Experience

My mom, son, and I took Heidi to the Banfield Pet Hospital in Evansville, Indiana. We hadn’t been to Banfield Pet Hospital prior to this, so we weren’t quite sure what to expect. We did immediately noticed how clean, comfortable, and cheerful the atmosphere was for us and Heidi. The veterinary staff was professional, yet just as warm and welcoming as the environment, making us feel at ease and at home. Their profound love for animals was quite evident, as they playfully interacted with Heidi. Playful as she is, she enjoyed every minute of it!

There wasn’t a long wait time on an available room since it wasn’t busy during the time that we went. They checked her in and weighed her before taking us to an available room. They took her vitals shortly after they took us to an available room. Since my son and I can’t stand the sight of needles, they took her to another room to administer the vaccinations. They also checked her stool for possible parasites and other possible intestinal organisms that could cause disease. The nurse brought her back in 10-15 minutes, and told us how much of a trooper Heidi was when she received her vaccinations. She didn’t whimper in the least! The veterinarian showed up 10 minutes later to inform us that Heidi had a clean bill of health, thus there wasn’t any other necessary actions to be taken. He gave us all paperwork, showing all of the work that had been done and the normal fees for each procedure.


The procedures totaled over $455, but we didn’t have to pay one cent, thanks to the Optimum Wellness Plan®! I can understand why they say that the Optimum Wellness Plan® is better than pet insurance. Unlike insurance, where you pay for health coverage you may never use, Optimum Wellness Plan® always provide the services that you pay for.

To say that Banfield Pet Hospital and their Optimum Wellness Plan® surpassed our expectations would be the biggest understatement of the year!

Leaving the Banfield Pet Hospital

To the Motherhood Giveaway

One winner will receive one free office visit at Banfield Pet Hospital, free heartworm test, and free six-month dose of Proheart® 6 (for dogs only).

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About the author


HilLesha O'Nan resides in Newburgh, Indiana with her husband and 3 children. She's a lifestyle blogger that enjoys photography, fashion + beauty, traveling + adventure, gardening, and interior decorating.

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Hello! I’m HilLesha, and I live in Newburgh, Indiana, with my husband and 3 children. I love photography, fashion, beauty, home improvement, traveling, cooking, and wellness. Additional info. Please get in touch with me at Lesha@tothemotherhood.com.

I’m also the founder of The Beauty Counter.


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