Home » Complete Guide to Traveling with Kids and Pets

Complete Guide to Traveling with Kids and Pets

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It’s almost time to hit the road and you’re still not sure how to deal with both your kids and pets in your car? Well, honestly, this is not the smoothest situation ever, but you can make it work with good prep. Coming from a family with two kids and a dog, I can tell you that stress and last-minute packing won’t help you at all. It would be best to start packing at least a couple of days before. Also, if your pet is not used to the car, make sure to take it for longer drives around town before the trip itself. Of course, there are other helpful tips as well, so keep on reading.

The Packing List

Your packing list will obviously depend on the length of the trip. Still, there are always some essentials that your family can’t go without and these are the first to pack. In case you can’t pack these things right away, make sure to leave yourself a reminder or a post-it note so that you don’t forget anything. I would dearly like to tell you that you can get away with relatively small luggage, but in my experience, it is best to prepare for various scenarios. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you’ll have to fit your entire home into a trunk, but it also means that you probably won’t be able to travel light.


When it comes to food, your best friend will be a mini cooler that can hold water, proper meals for your family and pet snacks. This is especially important if you’re traveling during really hot weather. You definitely know just how cranky kids can get when food is not according to their taste. Now, add the car ride and you can just imagine what could happen. Therefore, cool water and juice will keep both your kids and pets happy and hydrated. Make sure to pack their favorite healthy meals as well as the usual snacks. Running out of those and having to wait in line for road junk food leads to stress on a whole new level. If you’re worried about keeping pet treats and your own meals in the same place, you can always specially created canisters. For example, I always use Nettopet ceramic ones since these preserve freshness perfectly.

Prevent Health Problems

Traveling with your kids and pets can be fun, but it can also be very stressful. If your kids and/or pets are not used to long rides, they can feel sick or anxious. In that respect, the first aid kit filled with motion sickness medicine as well as vitamins can truly come in handy. Of course, never give your pet medicine that’s made for human consumption. Make sure to consult both your vet and pediatrician to make sure that both your kids and pets are safely prepared for the journey. In case you don’t approve the use of meds, you can always opt for homemade motion sickness remedies for your kids. Also, natural herbs can work really well for your pet. Another thing we like to do is play Through a Dog’s Ear music while traveling and it works wonders.

Keep Them Safe and Busy

Make sure that your kids feel safe and secure with proper car seats and head pillows. What’s more, you can prepare various games and toys that can keep the kids happy and entertained during a long trip. When it comes to your pet, it would be best to choose a comfy pet crate where your animal friend can relax during the ride. Bring their favorite toys as well. Still, you should always make several rest stops so that both your kids and your pet can stretch their legs and breathe in some fresh air. Under no circumstances are you to leave your kids or your pet unsupervised in your car. If you plan to let your pet out make sure that it’s on a leash. Still, ID tags can be very important so don’t forget to include those on the pet’s collar.

Depending on the weather conditions, you should also be very selective when it comes to clothes and other accessories. Sunscreens, hats and light clothes are essential during summer. Also, don’t blast the air-con too much. If it’s cold, you shouldn’t overheat your vehicle either since the temperature difference can come as a shock for both your kids and pets. What’s more, they can develop allergies this way. Make sure that there’s always fresh air in the car and that the temperature is relatively balanced and comfortable compared to the outdoors.

There’s no room or need for panic. With careful pre-planning and organization, your family trip will leave you with some unforgettable memories. So make sure to breathe, relax and enjoy every moment of these priceless experiences.

About the Guest Author: Zara Lewis

Zara Lewis is a mom, designer, freelance writer, and regular contributor to https://highstylife.com that is devoted to implementing healthy life habits in every aspect of the life of her family and friends. She seeks beauty in everything that surrounds her. Zara is a romantic soul and tech geek in one body that enjoys hiking, cycling, yoga, and cooking in her free time.

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HilLesha O'Nan resides in Newburgh, Indiana with her husband and 3 children. She's a lifestyle blogger that enjoys photography, fashion + beauty, traveling + adventure, gardening, and interior decorating.

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Hello! I’m HilLesha, and I live in Newburgh, Indiana, with my husband and 3 children. I love photography, fashion, beauty, home improvement, traveling, cooking, and wellness. Additional info. Please get in touch with me at Lesha@tothemotherhood.com.

I’m also the founder of The Beauty Counter.


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