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5 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care

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One of the most common lifestyle goals is finding balance in our lives. This is why it seems like no matter where you turn, there are magazine articles, books, self-help gurus, and blog posts that are discussing “work-life balance.”

Many us feel that it’s a constant tug-of-war with different aspects of our lives. The advice that is mostly given is, “You need to spend more quality time with your loved ones, get more rest, laugh more, make that dream of yours into a reality, and learn a new language, while on the other hand, you need to adopt a hard-work-and-no-play attitude and work, work, work; expect more money to flow from all of that hard work, buy a bigger home, and send off all of your children to a private school.”

Are you detecting the irony?

This is a prime example of unrealistic goals that can make anyone feel tired, angry, disappointed, and stressed to the max.

It can also cause us to neglect our own health and overall wellbeing. This is why self-care is vital for our health and state of mind. It helps us become a better version of ourselves by helping us find balance, re-ignite a zest for life, de-stress, and gives us a sense of empowerment.

5 Ways to Practice Self-Care

Stress Less

Stress can put a damper on anyone’s health! There are many natural and inexpensive ways to improve stress, such as yoga. There are several different styles of yoga. Some styles of yoga that reduce stress and anxiety while relaxing the mind and body are restorative yoga, hatha, and ashtanga. Yoga is also beneficial for different aspects of our health.

Balance Your Digestive and Immune System


A well-balanced digestive and immune system include the good flora, probiotic bacteria – which can be fortified with Florastor® Daily Probiotics. Florastor is the only probiotic brand with Saccharomyces boulardii lyo CNCM I-745 that helps in restoring natural flora. I’m sold on the fact that it’s vegetarian, gluten-free, and contains non-GMO ingredients. Its ingredients make it ideal for the whole family to use, ages 2 months and up!



Mark Twain said it best, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Traveling gave me experiences that I’ll cherish for a lifetime, whether it’s out of the country or within my own state. It has taught me lessons that couldn’t be seen from a different person’s perspective in a classroom, only my own. It helped foster a love for history, as well as an appreciation for architecture, landscape, culture, food, and art. Traveling has also helped me broaden my perspective, value the things that are often taken for granted, overcome shyness, and generally taught me what textbooks could not. Studies have shown that traveling is not just good for leisure, but it’s beneficial for one’s health!

Take a Hike

In the Woods

Hiking is one of my all-time favorite activities that I love to do. I deem it nature’s therapy since I’m always at the most serene and peaceful state of mind when hiking. It has been proven that hiking can reduce stress and foster creativity.

Smell This

The aromatherapy that essential oils provide is an integral part of my daily life. I always carry essential oils like bergamot, geranium, grapefruit, or lemon in my purse since their smells are relaxing, yet uplifting and energizing at the same time.

Have you taken the time to practice self-care? If so, what are one of the ways that you practice it?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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About the author


HilLesha O'Nan resides in Newburgh, Indiana with her husband and 3 children. She's a lifestyle blogger that enjoys photography, fashion + beauty, traveling + adventure, gardening, and interior decorating.

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Hello! I’m HilLesha, and I live in Newburgh, Indiana, with my husband and 3 children. I love photography, fashion, beauty, home improvement, traveling, cooking, and wellness. Additional info. Please get in touch with me at Lesha@tothemotherhood.com.

I’m also the founder of The Beauty Counter.


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