This week marks my third week into the “Green Giant’s Confessions of A Diet Cheater“ challenge. The theme for this week is abundance, getting more out of vegetables as you would with a chocolate bar, slice of pizza, or BBQ flavored chips, to cite off a few examples shown in the infographic below.
In last week’s post, I mentioned about loading up the cart with vegetables by Green Giant during a recent grocery shopping trip, and swaying myself from buying scrumptious treats or anything that I considered as a snack (i.e. pretzels and popcorn). For long as I can remember, I have never really had a problem with snacks. My husband, on the other hand, can eat peanut butter cups, chocolate doughnuts, fruit snacks (the ones that don’t have an inkling of fruit, yet somehow get away with being called fruit snacks), brownie bites throughout the day, everyday . . . and still maintain a healthy weight range. As you may already know, the keys to a successful weight loss is adhering to a healthy diet, adapting to an exercise regimen, support, and t-e-a-m-w-o-r-k.
Teamwork is important. It can be a challenging experience to cook when the eating choices are different as day and night, especially if you’re married and have children. If not either, it’s good to enlist in a weight loss group or find a buddy that will accompany your journey of losing the weight. So, I challenged my husband this week to eating healthier. He didn’t easily comply, but he said that he would try to eat more vegetables.
As for me, I have always loved eating vegetables, but this campaign helped me realize that I wasn’t getting enough! After complaining off and on about my skin woes, I have noticed a major difference in my skin – hardly any breakouts! Coincidence? I have also noticed that my energy level is much, much better. Prior to this, I stayed tired. And that’s not all – I have managed to shed a little over 4 lbs. since late September, thanks to increasing my vegetable intake, indoor cycling 15-30 minutes day and night (finally got my exercise bike!), and practicing yoga.
What kind of cheater are you?
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