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Handling Finances: Small Changes Can Make a Significant Difference

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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of MassMutual.

Practically everyone has a financial goal in mind, whether it’s freeing themselves from debt, saving for their child’s higher education, saving for a down payment on a house, planning for their retirement, buying a new vehicle, creating a fund for a rainy day, traveling the world, or all of the above.


Some may feel that they have to set a large amount of money aside and/or set up a certain time-frame in order to obtain their financial goal(s), thus often falling short since this usually causes other financial fiascoes in our lives. The best and most surefire way to avoid these types of financial situations is taking it smart, such as creating a budget plan, tracking expenses, or talking to a financial adviser. These kinds of steps, albeit rather small, can lead to significant changes and a better, brighter financial future!


Esteemed companies like Massachusetts Mutual has been securing a financial future for people since 1851. Since April is Financial Literacy Month, MassMutual wants to increase your knowledge with finances with the tools, videos, articles, and calculators that are listed on their new website.

6 Small Changes That Can Make a Significant Difference

Reaching Your Financial Goals

⦾ One of the first small steps is identifying your financial goals, as you can’t achieve your goals if you don’t have an understanding of what your goals are.
⦾ If you’re caught in a whirlwind of the hustle and bustle of life, finances may be the last thing that crosses your mind. To obtain or even surpass your financial goal(s), getting organized is key. You can get organized with your finances by creating a budget plan and tracking your daily expenses, which you can easily do with a budget tracker.
⦾ Using tools like the College Savings Calculator and Retirement Planning Calculator can help you project your saving needs.
⦾ Determine your most valuable asset, whether it is your home, business, or your ability to work. Take your income into consideration and it affects your overall well-being and financial future.

My Daughter

⦾ My mother taught me the value of a dollar when I was a child. That is why I firmly believe that it is never too early to educate your children on the value of a dollar, as it can help learn how to budget and avoid financial pitfalls. Understanding the importance of the value of a dollar can help you save hundreds, or even thousands of dollars in the long run! For example, it’s not that a universal secret that I have a love for traveling. One of my favorite ways of stretching out my money for my passion is taking “advantage” of hotel rewards programs.
⦾ It always helps to have a lending ear when it comes to our finances, even more importantly, if that lending ear is knowledgeable about finances. That lending ear can be a parent, sibling, friend, neighbor, or even a financial professional. There are several different types of financial professionals. You can connect with one within your vicinity via MassMutual.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of MassMutual.

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About the author


HilLesha O'Nan resides in Newburgh, Indiana with her husband and 3 children. She's a lifestyle blogger that enjoys photography, fashion + beauty, traveling + adventure, gardening, and interior decorating.

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Hello! I’m HilLesha, and I live in Newburgh, Indiana, with my husband and 3 children. I love photography, fashion, beauty, home improvement, traveling, cooking, and wellness. Additional info. Please get in touch with me at Lesha@tothemotherhood.com.

I’m also the founder of The Beauty Counter.


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