As summer approaches, so does the dreaded flea and tick season. About ¾ of America’s pet owners are impacted by fleas and ticks. The truth is that many pet owners underestimate the challenge of treating and preventing these pesky pests. So what can you do to protect your pet and your family?
With today’s pet owners looking for smarter pet care solutions to save money from costly vet visits and save time that can otherwise be spent with family and friends, Adams is rolling out its award-winning pet, home and lawn solutions. Adams products take a smarter approach to pet care and make protecting your family, pet, home, and yard easier and more effective with their 2013 Pet Product of the Year Adams™ Smart Shield® Applicator.
The success of the Adams™ product innovations are in keeping with other DIY pet trends revealed by the Kelton survey, including:
• Dealing with fleas and ticks is a fact of life for close to three-quarters (74 percent) of America’s cat and dog owners who say their pets have had fleas or ticks at least once.
• More than three-quarters (77 percent) of pet owners don’t know that only 5% of the flea population can be seen, leaving 95 percent of the infestation to be practically invisible because they are at the microscopic flea egg, larva and pupa stages.
• Over the last few years, more than one third (35 percent) of pet owners have made changes to their pet’s care due to the economy. Specifically – more than one in three (37 percent) of these pet owners say the economy has caused them to rely less on vets when it comes to flea and tick prevention.
• More than one in five (22 percent) admittedly imperfect pet parents agree they’d feel like better cat and dog owners if they could save their pets and household from the threat of fleas and ticks in their household.
Prize(s): One winner will receive an Adams Pet Care gift basket filled with pet care products.
Disclosure: I received products in exchange for hosting this giveaway.
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