This post was underwritten by BMO Harris Bank, which offers a matching $25 on a new savings account opened for your child through their Helpful Steps for Parents program.
I learned the value of a dollar early on. Rather than always spending full price on something, I always thrive on finding the best deal. This is what originally inspired me to launch my own site in 2004, because I wanted to share my love of bargain shopping. When it comes to a value of a dollar, I try my best to instill the importance with my son, especially the way the economy is. There’s no telling what the future holds for the economy. Therefore, I believe it is important for parents and their children to learn about how to spend and save. The reason why I also mention parents is because not all adults know how to spend money wisely, thus, getting themselves in a financial rut. I’m not judging at all, because you can also easily get into a financial shamble if you’re not careful, even if you consider yourself as a money expert. It happens to the best of us!

Here a few things I’ve learned about money:
1. It’s okay to buy things second-hand. I rather buy several pair of jeans at a yard sale than buy one pair at a department store for $150. Buying things second-hand doesn’t diminish the quality of the item. I’ve bought a lot of name brand items, and even stuff for much, much less by buying things at consignment shops or yard sales. I have even bought furniture this way.
My greatest finds were a Rachel Pally jersey dress for $3 and Betsey Johnson cocktail dress for $10 – both were like new! You still have to know your limits since you can easily blow money that way, too.
2. Don’t be afraid to look at bargain rack. I love scouring the bargain racks, especially at stores such as JCPenney and Kohl’s. They have the greatest deals! This is how I shopped for clothing for my son before he started kindergarten. He’s set for the rest of the school year.
3. Coupons, coupons, coupons. I’ve been using coupons before they became popular, thanks to shows like Extreme Coupons. This helps out tremendously when grocery shopping, because food is becoming more and more expensive.
4. Work on a goal if you want something badly enough. Lets say that your child is coveting a laptop or a gaming console. Make them work for it by having them save their earnings from allowance. You can have them sell their toys on Craigslist or Cheapcycle. Therefore, they can have money to work towards their goal.
I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective.