Tisha Morris is a Feng Shui Consultant and the author of Feng Shui Your Life: The Quick Guide to Decluttering Your Home and Renewing Your Life. Prior to entering the healing arts, she practiced law and obtained a Fine Arts degree in Interior Design. She is also a certified life coach and teaches yoga at Sanctuary for Yoga in Nashville, TN.
Tisha started her Feng Shui practice in 2007 and has since worked with hundreds of clients. As an intuitive healer, Tisha combines healing energy, Feng Shui techniques, and design aesthetics to turn challenging spaces into supportive environments.
Tisha Morris created Earth Home Smudge Spray, which helps bring balance to your home by getting rid of of negative energy. It’s ideal for using after a break-up, moving into a new home, after a disagreement, emotional upheaval, or trauma; after an illness, before an important meeting, or before and after parties or open houses.
Smudging, a traditional Native American method cleanses your space, a person, or object of negative or stagnant energy. It’s usually done by burning sage, cedar, or sweetgrass. Then, the person wafts the smoke thus the spirit of the plant purifies whatever is being smudged. However, this method is not a very pleasant experience since it can cause a strong residue and putrid odor. This is not the case at all with this spray, because it brings the clarity and purification that your space needs without making it an unpleasant experience (i.e. odor or residue) in the process. Plus, it smells very good. I read where one blogger’s boyfriend used this as a cologne, and I can easily see why since the ingredients are harmless. This spray consists of 100% organic ingredients, including essential oils and sage, with a high-vibration rosewater base.
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