With Flipflop Wines, they have embraced the movement toward individualistic expression, instead of manufacturing wines into some cookie-cutter style that’s all the rage. Their goal is to craft expressive, well-balanced wines that evoke just what the grapes inside intended, without being over-wrought or over-explained, and that can be enjoyed at any occasion.
The partnership with Flipflop Wines and Soles4Souls is important, because there are more than 300 million children in the world without shoes. Flipflop’s dedication to the cause is helping put shoes on more than 100,000 feet.

Riesling – Out of the three bottles of wine that I received, this one was my absolute favorite! It had the sweetest taste out of them all. The tropical notes were quite evident (peach, apricot, and melon), making it the perfect wine to enjoy in the warm weather. For a more satisfying experience, you can pair it with tofu stir-fry, shredded pork tacos, and sake sashimi.
Appellation: Washington
Pinot Noir – This wine is full of cola aromas and hints of vanilla. It isn’t my top favorite, because it is very dry. However, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t any good. I just prefer my wine to be sweeter. It’s just a matter of preference. This wine is also structured with bright cherry, sweet spice, and a supple, velvety finish. It syncs well with grilled mahi-mahi, bacon-wrapped shrimp, or chocolate chip cookies.
Appellation: California
Pinot Grigio – This wine is my second favorite. With tropical citrus, ripe pear, and a zesty, clean finish; you get a perfect balance of a dry and sweet wine. It goes perfectly with eggplant parmesan, spaghetti carbonara, and bruschetta.
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